March 12, 2019  •  1 Comment

It has been a brutal winter.

with what seems like an eternal season of refining and waiting.

Ryan and I have found ourselves asking God countless times this winter 

                "what do you want us to learn through this..."

I have been reading through the Psalms of David.  He understood waiting in the unknown and continually sought to deepen his understanding of God.  I love how he rants, questions and then he RESTS. He rests in GODs UNFAILING LOVE. No matter the war that raged in his heart he came full circle.  RESTING in the ROCK, SHELTER, REFUGE of our LORD.

Psalm 27 he says "though a mighty army surrounds me, my heart will not be afraid. Even if I am attacked, I will remain confident.  The one thing I ask of the Lord all the days of my life delighting in the Lords perfections...for HE will conceal me there when troubles come. HE will place me out of reach on a high rock. Then I will hold my head high."

Confidence is restored in the love of God.  

Standing tall with your head held high is made possible by the power we claim in JESUS.

If we find ourselves in a season of waiting solely to gaze deeper into HIS face and trust HIM then the winter is worthy.  Worthy of the waiting. Worthy of enduring the cold to feel the warmth of HIS LOVE. Knowing our roots have burrowed deeper in the cold of the winter. AND what will spring forth in due season will declare the HOPE of a FAITHFUL, LOYAL HEAVENLY FATHER...

"SEASONS" by Hillsong has been my "power song" as my sister Gretchen calls them in her book "Wide Eyed". I will not look back on the winter of 2019 the same as I hear this song played in years to come. Read the lyrics and be thankful SPRING is coming BUT the waiting in WINTER was not to waste.

"Like the frost on a rose
Winter comes for us all
Oh how nature acquaints us
With the nature of patience
Like a seed in the snow
I've been buried to grow
For Your promise is loyal
From seed to sequoia

Though the winter is long even richer
The harvest it brings
Though my waiting prolongs even greater
Your promise for me like a seed
I believe that my season will come...

Lord I think of Your love
Like the low winter sun
As I gaze I am blinded
In the light of Your brightness
Like a fire to the snow
I'm renewed in Your warmth
Melt the ice of this wild soul
Till the barren is beautiful

I can see the promise
I can see the future
You're the God of seasons
I'm just in the winter
If all I know of harvest
Is that it's worth my patience
Then if You're not done working
God I'm not done waiting...

For all I know of seasons
Is that You take Your time
You could have saved us in a second
Instead You sent a child...

Like a seed You were sown
For the sake of us all
From Bethlehem's soil
Grew Calvary's sequoia..."




S O U L | studio.

April 26, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

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this space is more than new hardwood & fresh paint. it symbolizes open hands to God's leading. my soul longs for no other place, space or thing. i have learned clinching my fist holding onto a "dream" or strong arming my way, gains only heartache and disappointment in the end..... 

backstory to this post is I have been shooting most studio work in our basement spare room, not ideal. crowded and easily compromised lighting. this past winter an opportunity to manage a studio in the East Village came my way....Ryan and I really felt THIS WAS IT and IT WAS TIME... through much prayer God spoke - NO not now. my S O U L longed for HIM and HIS leading like the psalmist says "As the deer pants for for streams of water, so my S O U L longs for you, O God." [psalm 42] so we found peace and contentment right within our haven of rest. 

S O U L | studio is perfect. God knew. Big thank you to Ryan Fry for throwing down hardwood with me and even more for your support. You pretty much keep busy making my dreams come true:). And to Simply Floored by Baker for the flooring.

a tribute to the FIRST arrow >>>>>>

May 27, 2017  •  1 Comment

Fry-17Fry-17 11.28.16_11811.28.16_118 11.28.16_10311.28.16_103 Fry-2Fry-2 Fry-4Fry-4 11.28.16_03111.28.16_031 Fry-23Fry-23 To our first born, Mackenzie Grace Fry, or better known as "the Mack" you have bettered us and those around you.  You have a wonderment towards life that is contagious and life giving.  It also can be super annoying and i want to give you a good ol' dose of reality somedays BUT nevertheless less you continue singing {literally}.  No matter. how rough your day,  you retreat to the piano and sing it out as praise. I love that and it also drives me crazy since we have a LOT of noise going on already.  BUT who can condemn you or tell you to stop singing "Be thou my Vision" .  You dream BIG but it is the small things you do that make you shine from the inside out.  It is the encouragement notes for so many friends & family,  along with the behind the scenes car rides that lead to spiritual talks and the bible studies you have led at lunch that make a difference.  You are not perfect by any means and you could be faulted for TMI "too much information" but you will never be accused of not being a walking party.  Truth is you don't typically win the public awards but I know and God sees you are the REAL DEAL. Honest friend. Jesus follower. Sinner saved BY GRACE {your middle name for a reason}. We love you Big mack small Fry.  Now that high school is over we want to see you cut loose for the KINGDOM of God.  


PHOTO CREDIT to Austin Day Photography

"to mother" is a verb

May 14, 2017  •  Leave a Comment


MOTHER: the noun form of mother may mean "a relation to whom a woman has given birth"- BUT the verb form, according to Websters Dictionary, means "to bring up with care and affection"  or "to look after kindly and protectively". This mothers day I am struck by the reality that the call for ALL women is to "mother". Mother's Day - I believe - ought not be celebrated for just the select group who have birthed a child, bearing flesh of their flesh. Rather can we celebrate ALL women who have embraced the calling of God to nurture and care for those around them?  Many may not have given birth, yet they have invested in lives that then turn to NEW LIFE  in CHRIST. I know my life would not be the same if not for women within our church family who have, regardless of having birth children or not, have invested the time to care for me with kindness & affection. I am saddened to think that some view today as a day they have to sit out of or be excluded from.  Rather, may today be an encouragement to all women who take on the responsibility of "mothering" someone. In the Bible, the prophet Isaiah writes -- Bind the brokenhearted; Offer freedom to the captives and comfort those who mourn. Share the good news of Jesus.  I am praying today for so many that ache to bear children of their own, but I also want those women to be encouraged -- You have a great calling equally as important to those who have physically born children.  My story has allowed me to birth two children and understand the pain of losing one as well.  Through the "taking away" God opened my eyes to advocate and seek to nurture those who could not for for what it is worth - "HAPPY MOTHERS DAY" to ALL women who choose to care and nurture those who God places around them.

our little Abraham & Peter

April 23, 2017  •  7 Comments

EasterEaster Easter day and the days preceding brought a plethora of questions from our littles. And no question is too silly or mocked.  We love the chance to unpack the good news Jesus brings to life. The boys know in their heads that "Jesus died for our sins and He rose again on the third day according to the scriptures" they have memorized it straight from the Bible but this year their hearts wanted more answers.

What if Jesus didn't raise from the dead?

Why did He have to rise?

Good stuff. Great questions.  So dad patiently listened and answered all their questions and I had the joy of overhearing in the hallway. I could hear the eyes of their hearts being opened to what was offered to them through Jesus death and resurrection. They wanted forgiveness and a relationship with Jesus.  I came in after I heard their little voices ask for forgiveness and with child like faith received Jesus gift of salvation.

SALVATION from a life without HOPE.

SALVATION from a life void of purpose.

SALVATION from a very real place called HELL.

Javea quickly asked if he would still keep sinning... my response "Does mommy still sin?" ummm YES. But we have the power not to, the same power that raised Jesus from the grave lives in you and me.  He smiled and laughed his minion like laugh. I so wish I could have videoed this moment but I pray no matter what accusations the "father of lies" sends their way that they will never forget.  These two brothers have always had quite the unique bond. One I would say is deeper than most siblings.  They survived together, at a very young age when most children are being cared for by loving parents, they grew a love forged out of the lack of love surrounding them.  As much as they compete and tattle they are lost without the other.  They are like Shrek and Donkey. Seriously. So how fitting that laying side by side in their beds they both became CHILDREN OF GOD or as Tay so rightly said "um MAN of God".  They have been welcomed into the LOVING, FAITHFUL, JUST, and GOOD arms of our Heavenly Father. Safe and secure forever IN HIM.  

So I shared with them the new "spiritual" name I have always seen in them. Understand we didn't change their birth names since everything else in life had been taken away and their given names held a part of their ethnicity as well. To Javea I gave the name "Peter"  it means "Rock or Stone". The apostle Peter in the New Testament was in my mind fearful at times and yet through the power of God he was fearless and became the very stone by which God would build His church. Vea has overcome much fear but the neglect of the past haunts him still. I pray he becomes confident in who he is IN Christ. Then fearlessly advances the Kingdom of God. And to our Teaundre O'Shaun I call you "Abraham" which means "Father of many nations" {even though Javea wanted you to be called Samson because of your strength}.  We have watched Tay move furniture at the age of 2 and his physical presence can move people quite easily BUT I pray he helps move hearts for the kingdom of God. That many people will see his faith and come to Christ. Tay stands tall among the crowd and I pray he leads masses to Jesus.

So I hear the question asked -- How was your Easter?  Well gotta say we celebrated NEW LIFE and no chocolate bunny can top that!

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